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The Hudson Valley's
20th Annual

Tour de Kingston

Saturday September 6, 2025

Kingston, NY



The Hudson Valley's
20th Annual

Tour de Kingston

Saturday September 6, 2025

Kingston, NY

Let's Ride!

Where: Forsyth Park, 157 Lucas Avenue, Kingston NY 12401

Event Schedule:

  • 7:30am – Registration Opens

  • 8:30am – Gravel Grinder 31 Mile Ride start

  • 9am – 33 and 50 Mile Road Rides start

  • 9:30am - 9 and 16 Rail Trail Rides start

  • 10am – 5 Mile Guided Family Fun Ride start

  • 12:30pm - Lunch for all riders

  • 1:30pm – Scholarship Awards Presented

  • 2pm – Clean up and close down.

Plus! Every registration enters you into the raffle of donations from local bike shops, stores and restaurants.

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Without Our Sponsors
We'd Be Flat


Without Our Sponsors
We'd Be Flat








“Special Thanks”

City of kingston

Town of hurley

Town of marbletown

Kingston police dept.

Wright Architects


Wallkill Valley land trust

Cottekill Fire Department

Become a Sponsor!

Sponsorship Levels

Platinum Sponsors – $2,000-4,999

·  Recognition with signage at Registration Area

·  Name and Logo on Rest Stop Signs,  T-Shirts, and all promotions and advertisements

·  T-Shirts, BBQ Lunch, Registration for 8

Gold Sponsors — $1,000-1,999

 ·       Recognition with signage at Registration Area

·       Name and Logo on T-shirts and all promotions and  advertisements

·       T-Shirts, BBQ Lunch, Registration for 6

Silver Sponsors — $750-999

 ·       Recognition with signage at Registration Area

·       Name and Logo on T-shirts and all promotions and  advertisements

·       T-Shirts, BBQ Lunch, Registration for 4

Bronze Sponsors — $500-749

·  Name and Logo on T-Shirts, all promotions, registration and advertisements

·  T-Shirt, BBQ Lunch and Registration for 2

Peloton Sponsors — $250-$499

·  Name and Logo on T-Shirts

·  T-Shirt, BBQ Lunch and Registration for 1

“Special Thanks” — $100-249

·       Name on T-shirts

BBQ Lunch Sponsor — Supply and Host BBQ

 ·       Recognition with signage at Registration Area

·       Name and Logo on T-shirts and all promotions and  advertisements

·       T-Shirts, BBQ Lunch, Registration for 6

All proceeds benefit Tour de Kingston Community Scholarships and the YMCA of Kingston and Ulster County’s Youth Bicycle Safety Programs.

Questions? Email Justin Ledoux

Sponsorships open until June 1, 2025!

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 And as you ride, you will be helping to support the YMCA of Kingston and Ulster County's Bicycle Safety Education Program For Youth.


 And as you ride, you will be helping to support the YMCA of Kingston and Ulster County's Bicycle Safety Education Program For Youth.


The Tour de Kingston Scholarships are designed to offer traditional students assistance in furthering their education.  TDK also offers the same opportunity to those who are other than traditional in their educational enhancements.  The Scholarship is available for high school students who are graduating and attending college, adults returning or starting college, vocational training, certification course work and more.  It is designed to be inclusive rather than exclusive.  Applicants submissions will be reviewed and considered.  Scholarships are often in the $500 range but have been more or less based on need and fund availability.

Students have used the scholarships for books, tuition, and other college associated costs.  Others have used the scholarship for Bicycle Mechanics School, training for community enhancement programs and more. Applicants are considered and prioritized by benefits they bring to the community.  

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Tour de Kingston

Which route are you taking?


Tour de Kingston

Which route are you taking?


Rides for all Abilities and Interests!

Take in Ulster County's scenic views while on the challenging long distance road rides and the gravel grinders or take it easy on the 5-mile family ride and the out-and-back rail trail rides. 


Routes may change before September 6th, 2025!

Presented by YMCA of Ulster County.




Sign Up Early!

Online Registration Deadline: Thursday, September 4, 2025 at 11:59 PM ET.

Onsite registration available, but will incur an onsite fee.

Don't Miss Out